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Writer's pictureShannon

Money, It's a Gas

With the recent announcements of the multiple new awards for the 2021 season that offer cash prizes, you might be curious as to where those funds are coming from.

It's coming from you, the members of the league. But don't worry, we'll still maintain the low-rent risk you've come to expect from the Sack Pack. The League Budget has been placed on a spreadsheet and linked on our website for transparency.

We will retain the traditional place-prizes as such:

  • 4th: $20

  • 3rd: $40

  • 2nd: $60

  • 1st: $100

We're adding in a $20 prize for the Juggernaut award.

We're adding $5 per winner for Rivalry Week for a total of $30.

We're adding $5 per winner for Weekly Winners for a total of $70.

This creates a total needed pool of $340 to come from league fees. In a 12 person league, that breaks down to $28.33 per person, which is still a very reasonable league fee for a friendly low-stakes league. This also creates a chance for more people to win back part of their fees, and has (very unlikely) potential for one person to walk away with a maximum take of $195 (1st place + juggernaut + rivalry + all weeklys).

League Fee payments can be made via PayPal (link coming via email soon) or in person and must be received by the Commissioner prior to the start of the Draft on August 28th. Anyone who does not pay their league fee on time will not be eligible to receive any cash awards that may accompany any season awards they might achieve. League funds will be redistributed by the Commissioner to fee-paying award recipients. The Commissioner is not financially responsible for replacing funds not received by league members. Not paying league fees is not grounds for expulsion from the league but members opting not to pay league fees may face a shaming that will be determined by the other league members.

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